Adolescents & Youth

Some Reasons Teens Go to Therapists

When teens are going through a rough time, such as family troubles or problems in school, they might feel more supported if they talk to a therapist. They may be feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed by what’s been happening — and need help sorting out their feelings, finding solutions to their problems, or just feeling better. That’s when therapy can help.

Therapy can help when someone:

· feels overwhelmed by the stresses of school
· feels sad, depressed, worried, shy, or just stressed out
· is dieting or overeating for too long or it becomes a problem (eating disorders)
· cuts, burns, or self-injures
· is dealing with an attention problem (ADHD) or a learning problem
· is coping with a chronic illness (such as diabetes or asthma) or a new diagnosis of a serious problem such as HIV, cancer, or a sexually transmitted disease (STD)
· is dealing with family changes such as separation and divorce, or family problems such as alcoholism or addiction
· is trying to cope with a traumatic event, death of a loved one, or worry over world events
· has a habit he or she would like to get rid of, such as nail biting, hair pulling, smoking, or spending too much money, or getting hooked on medications, drugs, or pills
· wants to sort out problems like managing anger or coping with peer pressure
· wants to build self-confidence or figure out ways to make more friends

In short, therapy offers people support when they are going through difficult times.

Deciding to seek help for something you’re going through can be really hard. It may be your idea to go to therapy or it might not. Sometimes parents or teachers bring up the idea first because they notice that someone they care about is dealing with a difficult situation, is losing weight, or seems unusually sad, worried, angry, or upset. Some people in this situation might welcome the idea or even feel relieved. Others might feel criticized or embarrassed and unsure if they’ll benefit from talking to someone.

Sometimes people are told by teachers, parents, or the courts that they have to go see a therapist because they have been behaving in ways that are unacceptable, illegal, self-destructive, or dangerous. When therapy is someone else’s idea, a person may at first feel like resisting the whole idea, but ………

Learning a bit more about what therapy involves and what to expect can help make it seem okay.


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